Privacy Policy

At  AAKRI we value your trust and appreciate you choosing to work with us. Below you will find our Privacy Policy concerning our use, disclosure, retention, and collection of information about your "Data and Information"; that you provide to AAKRI while using our services. We understand the importance of personal information being utilized and we take your privacy concerns very acutely and sincerely. Our main aim is to make our community free from waste and landfills via picking scrap from our customers for the exchange of currency.

Your Consent

By using the AAKRI website or by submitting Information to us through the forms displayed throughout the site, you are giving us your consent to the collection, use, disclosure as well as retention of your Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not consent to the collection, use, disclosure, and retention of your Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, you should choose not to use this Site.

Technology For Tracking - Cookies and Web Beacons

We collect non-personal information about our website traffic and usage patterns from technology such as Cookies and Web Beacons. The type of non-personal information we gather from the electronic files created using Cookies and Web Beacons is used to track your navigation on the website or collection of sites, the time you complete transactions on the site, submissions of applications, and browsing behavior. This allows us to see what pages you visit on our website and how long of a time you spend on the site. If you prefer, you can choose to turn off all cookies via your browser settings. However, if you turn your cookies off, some of our services may not function properly.

SMS OTP & account verification

Customers can perform SMS-based user verification in your app automatically, without requiring the user to manually type verification codes, and without requiring any extra app permissions If the SMS Retriever API is not an option for your app, users can also manually enter a verification code.

Personal Information

We collect information that you voluntarily provide us by using forms online. When you submit a form inquiry and subscribe to one of the forms, you are providing us with information. The information you provide us is necessary in order for us to identify your process and fulfill the requests you make based on the information you submit. If you interact with our Site by booking services, submitting feedback, joining a mailing list, or writing a review or comment, you most likely are providing us with Information, including

- First and last name

- Address

- Email address

- Phone number

You can choose not to provide certain information, but then you may not be able to use certain features of the Site and we may not be able to provide you with certain services or information.

Opt-Out Policy

When you provide information through the site forms and if you agree to give us consent to contact you for this purpose, as required by law, we may use the information we collected to occasionally notify you about special promotional services that we offer. If you prefer that we not contact you in this manner or want to withdraw your consent, we will promptly remove you from our email contact list at your request. Please send any such request to our email at

Modifications To The Policy

As AAKRI service grows and when the company felt a need of updating of existing applications/web and adds new features to this site, or as legal requirements change, we may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time at our discretion and without any prior notice or liability to you or any other person. Our use, collection, disclosure, and retention of your information from the data with obtaining will be governed by the version of this Privacy Policy in effect at that specific time. Any changes to this Privacy Policy are effective as of the time they are posted on the Site. By continuing to work with us or using this Site you acknowledge and agree to any changes to this Privacy Policy. Whenever you utilize the website we recommend that you check the date of this Privacy Policy and make sure you are aware of any changes since the last version and that you are familiar with the most updated version.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 26 JULY 2024

How You Can Reach Us

If you have any questions or complaints about our Site, our Privacy Policy, or the Information we collect, please contact our customer service team by email at or call us at 18008905089